This page is subject to immense reconstruction, I’m still debating on the quality of scans that I’m willing to commit to. Also currently indecisive on whether further organization is warranted. All photos have been taken with SX-70 or, less frequently, SLR 680.
Alan behind a gallery in Laguna, a few moments before panic induces because I can’t find my phone (it was on top of my car).Adore the colors here. One of my all-time favorite photos of Stapha. About 3:30pm in February.30 minutes or so before Kat and Tim’s wedding ceremony, hiding inside the U-Haul van. Jon Dodd illictly climbing on top of a lifeguard tower. The 8am lighting here is unrivaled.San Pedro right before a storm began - both the rain cloud formations and the way 600 captured them were surreal. New sod finally being installed, post the completion of the Resnick Institute, makes Caltech look like a farm. Moments before I slip in algae and Raaghav catches a fish in a drawstring bag.Alan looking like an immigrant from Vietnam landing in California at the Port of Los Angeles for the first time ever in the 1970s.Stapha in Lake Elsinore is yet another exhibit on how unbelievable SX-70 registers clouds on 600.Walking through Cabrillo Marine Aquarium in the cold evoked a weird sense of nostalgia even though it was my first time there.West side of Beckman Auditorium.South side!Rock stack, Monarch Beach.Stapha taking a photo of me among a bunch of beached seals at Emerald Point. Anything better than rocks near sunset?It was nearing freezing temps in J tree, hence why this came out so blue.Barker Dam after Cameron, Raaghav, and I got pathetically lost looking for the Wall Street Mill, off trail.Cliff behind the Trump Nat’l Golf Course was the only open beach access in Rancho Palos Verdes due to landslides.Going down the same cliff.Walking through the Thomas J. Watson, Sr., Laboratories of Applied Physics.Gabriella and Sasha at the stupidly expensive tea house!First Polaroid ever at Dahlia 608 after Jeremy @drsx70 fixed my camera. Miracle worker.Scuba divers trekking out of the water behind Cannery Row, Monterey BayHappiness is hard to articulate but quiet sunday sunsets at the beach gets pretty close.Proud of how close this gull allowed me to approach him.Model 3 charging outside of Niguel Botanical PreserveFirst time ever trying black&white 600. Forcing myself to relinquish the opprotunity to use color 600 had to be overcome.Most notable setup at Rose Bowl Flea Market. The fog that I failed to capture was immaculate.Jon, featuring his Olympus Xa2 !!Raaghav, pre-foraging for what few fungi species exist at the Lower Back Bay.Mia taught me what kawaii meant and the eyes of this alpaca I saw at a petting zoo birthday party decided to prove that it exists in real life.